
The Amrop Woodburn Mann Wildlife Calendar has been in production since 2006 and reflects our deep connection to the African continent. The images are taken by our Chairman and founder, Dr Trevor Woodburn, and our Managing Director, Andrew Woodburn and are enjoyed by wildlife and photography enthusiasts alike. The collection below is a photographic journey across the plains and oceans of Africa from calendars past.

August 2020

2020 0


Late afternoon in the Skeleton Coast Nature Reserve, Namibia, this African Wildcat, looking remarkably like a domesticated cat, emerged from the bush and slowly approached our vehicle. As it got nearer, it showed its long fangs, leaving us in no doubt that it was, in fact, a wild cat.

African Wildcat - Felis lybica

The diminutive African Wildcat is often overlooked in favour of its more impressive feline cousins. What it lacks in size and strength, it more than makes up for in stealth and success. It is the wild prototype of a tabby cat, distinguished from the domesticated version by longer legs, a more upright seated posture, and reddish earmarked translucent ears. Wildcats live wherever rats and mice thrive.

Nikon D5 with Nikkor VR80 – 400mm f4.5 – 5.6G lens with 1.4 x Teleconverter, effective focal length 185mm, 1/640 sec @ f10, ISO 5600

Photograph by Trevor Woodburn