
The Amrop Woodburn Mann Wildlife Calendar has been in production since 2006 and reflects our deep connection to the African continent. The images are taken by our Chairman and founder, Dr Trevor Woodburn, and our Managing Director, Andrew Woodburn and are enjoyed by wildlife and photography enthusiasts alike. The collection below is a photographic journey across the plains and oceans of Africa from calendars past.

May 2025

2025 0

“The Long and Short of it”

Early morning in the Phinda Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, this mother and juvenile Rhinoceros stopped briefly to show off their respective horns.

White Rhinoceros – Ceratotherium simum

A gentle giant, the biggest land mammal after Elephants (though outweighed by the Hippopotamus). Almost double the weight of a Black Rhinoceros, with pronounced shoulder hump. Males weigh in the region of 2 040 to 2 260 kg, females in the region of 1 600 kg. Newborns weigh only 65 kg, equal to 4% of mother’s weight. Mothers are equipped to protect them against all predators except Lions. Calves run in front of mother during flight. Head: massive with wide, square mouth, big ears.
Horns: The front horn averages 60 cm in males and is longer but thinner in females. The back horn is much shorter and more triangular.
Colour: slate grey to yellow-brown. Due to the increase in demand for Rhino horn, (for dagger handles, medicine, and aphrodisiacs) they are now more precious than gold.

Nikon D2xs, AF VR-Nikkor 80-400 mm, f4.5-5.6 D lens, focal length at 80 mm, equivalent to 120 mm, 1/125th sec @ f5, ISO 800

Photograph by Trevor Woodburn