
The Amrop Woodburn Mann Wildlife Calendar has been in production since 2006 and reflects our deep connection to the African continent. The images are taken by our Chairman and founder, Dr Trevor Woodburn, and our Managing Director, Andrew Woodburn and are enjoyed by wildlife and photography enthusiasts alike. The collection below is a photographic journey across the plains and oceans of Africa from calendars past.

August 2025

2025 0


Early morning in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, this mating Lion got a major surprise when the Lioness took exception, snarled and snapped at the Lion in disagreement. The Lion jumped and grimaced at the unexpected attack.

Lion - Panthera leo

Call of the African Wild, King of African Carnivores. Low, but large and powerful, weighing between 190 and 260 kg.
Coat: short except for tail tuft and male's mane, appearing during his third year, maximum development at five years.
While prey is plentiful, Lions spend 20 hours out of 24 conserving energy, becoming active in late afternoon, hunt most actively early and late at night and for a couple of hours after daybreak. Lions can become active at any time, day or night, hungry or gorged, so that when easy opportunities to catch prey present themselves, they react immediately and take advantage. Lions kill and often eat all the other carnivores, including Leopards and Cheetahs, but rarely Hyenas.

Nikon D3s, 12.1 megapixel resolution, FX format, AF VR-Nikkor 80-400 mm f4.5-5.6 D lens
focal length at 160 mm 1/2000th sec @ f8, ISO 1800

Semi-finalist Image: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011, Natural History Museum, London

Photograph by Trevor Woodburn