
The Amrop Woodburn Mann Wildlife Calendar has been in production since 2006 and reflects our deep connection to the African continent. The images are taken by our Chairman and founder, Dr Trevor Woodburn, and our Managing Director, Andrew Woodburn and are enjoyed by wildlife and photography enthusiasts alike. The collection below is a photographic journey across the plains and oceans of Africa from calendars past.

September 2025

2025 0

“Bottlenose Dolphins and Bubbles”

Wild Bottlenose Dolphins have become habituated to humans in their environment.
Dolphins swim right up to snorkellers with intense interest and even looks of curiosity and a faint smile at how un-coordinated and helpless humans are in water. As they rise to the surface they blow bubbles as signatures or splash around on the surface as a form of communication.

Inshore Bottlenose Dolphin - Tursiops truncates

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins are small cetaceans that have a long, beak-like snout, a falcate (sickle-shaped) dorsal fin, and sharp teeth. They are Odontoceti (toothed whales) and have one blowhole. They live in small groups called pods and grow to be at most 3.7 m long, sometimes weighing more than 635 kg. Dolphins can dive down to more than 300 m and can jump up to 6 m out of the water.

Nikon D70 10.5 megapixel resolution, AF Sigma 10-20mm D lens,
housed in Sea & SEA D70 housing, 1/160th sec @ f6.3, ISO 200, at 20mm, taken while breath-holding at a depth of 2m about 2km from shore in Southern Mozambique.

Photograph by Andrew Woodburn