Tip-toeing through the Water Lilies
Early morning on the Chobe River, Botswana, this young African Jacana chick wandered around the water lilies looking for something to eat with its very big feet providing support on the large water lily leaves.
African Jacana - Actophilornis africanus
The African Jacana has a distinctive rich chestnut body, white neck, yellow upper breast, black and white head and a blue frontal shield. The female is appreciably larger than males. Juveniles are paler with white body and no frontal shield.
They are common residents and local nomads at wetlands with floating vegetation, especially water lilies.
Nikon D500 with Sigma 150-600mm Sport f5.0-6.3 with 1,4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 850mm, 1/2500 sec @ f11, ISO 5600
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
This Oceanic Blacktip Shark is resident off the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa and is a regular attendant at the shark feeding and diving venue, Aliwal Shoal, 5km offshore of Scottborough bathing beach. Divers can interact closely with these sharks without the need for a cage provided they comply with behaviour styles so as not to incite the sharks to think they are food. These sharks have grown large as a by-product of the Tiger Shark baiting programme and are often accompanied by remora fish. The bite marks on the gill slits are from mating where the male holds the female during intercourse.
Oceanic Blacktip Shark - Carcharhinus limbatus
This is a common shark which is distributed throughout the coastal tropical and subtropical waters of the world. The species is known to grow to a length of 2m. The shark has a strong streamlined body with a fusiform shape and long pointed snout with relatively small eyes. The gill slits are long and they can have black tips or edges to their pectoral, dorsal, pelvic or caudal fins. They are extremely fast, energetic predators sometimes breaching the surface and swimming erratically when hunting fish.
Nikon D300 Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX, 10mm F16 at 1/60th sec, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250 strobes on ¼ power. Taken on scuba at 10m at Aliwal Shoal, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
Flying Lechwe
Very late afternoon in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, this female lechwe enjoyed jumping over rivers in
the flood plains and in the process created trails of water droplets as it flew through the air before landing on the opposite bank.
Lechwe - Kobus leche
The lechwe have overdeveloped hindquarters, hooves elongated with wide splay and adjacent naked skins which are aquatic adaptations. The female weighs around 80kg and has a greasy coat with a distinctive small, shaggy neck mane. Their colour varies geographically, chestnut with white underparts, tail, throat and facial markings with conspicuous black markings running down the legs, and black-tipped tail.
Nikon D5 with Nikon 80-400mm f4.5-5.6G lens with 1,4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 550mm, 1/3200 sec @ f14, ISO 3600
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
Meerkat Pups
This group of pups was rising from the desert night in summer amongst the dewy wet grass. Tentatively at first, but with increasing confidence, the pups followed the adults from the underground den to join the generations of their mob on the red sandy mound. Many had damp fur and were drying out in the morning sun as they stood collectively huddled for warmth and safety. They played and rolled around at the feet of their parents before the day’s foraging began.
Meerkat - Suricata suricatta
The meerkat is a small carnivoran belonging to the mongoose family (Herpestidae). Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of the Namib Desert, and in South Africa. A group of meerkats is called a “mob”, “gang” or “clan”. A meerkat clan often contains about 20 meerkats, but some super- families have 50 or more members. In captivity, meerkats have an average life span of 12 - 14 years, and about half this in the wild. The meerkat is small, weighing on average about 0.5 - 2.5kg. The meerkat uses its tail to balance when standing upright, as well as for signaling. At the end of each of a meerkat’s “fingers” is a claw used for digging burrows and digging for prey. The patterns of stripes are unique to each meerkat. The underside of the meerkat has no markings, but the belly has a patch which is only sparsely covered with hair and shows the black skin underneath. The meerkat uses this area to absorb heat while standing on its rear legs, usually early in the morning after cold desert nights.
Nikon D2Xs, DX format, Sigma 150-500mm f5-6.3 APO DG OS lens @ 222mm,
1/500th sec @ f6.3, ISO 800
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
Mid-morning on the banks of the Chobe River, Botswana, a flock of Helmeted Guineafowl came down to the river’s edge to drink, creating a delightful reflection of colours as they dipped their beaks into the water.
Helmeted Guineafowl - Numida meleagris
A large, well-known game bird with blue-grey plumage, uniformly spotted with white. Head pattern varies geographically, but generally naked blue and red with check wattles and a pale casque on the crown. Males have a larger casque than females. Often flock in hundreds.
Nikon D5 with Nikon 80- 400mm f4.5- 5.6G lens with 1,4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 400mm, 1/2500 sec @ f11, ISO 2200
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
Late afternoon in the Ngala Private Game Reserve, a concession within the Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, this young leopard was found resting in a tree and looking upward in a very pensive mood.
Leopard - Panthera pardus
Leopards embody feline beauty with stealth, infinite patience and power. A leopard will get to within 5m of its quarry before pouncing, taking it completely by surprise. Tremendously strong, these cats can carry a 70kg impala to a feeding position up a tree.
Nikon D5 with Nikon 80-400mm f4.5-5.6G lens with Nikon 1.4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 440mm, 1/1600 sec @ f14, ISO 45600
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
Cool Foraging
Mid-morning on the Chobe River, Botswana, this elephant waded into the deep section of the river to gain access to young water lilies which he then proceeded to extract with his trunk and, in the process, created a huge spray of water.
Elephant - Loxodonta africana
Elephants are the largest land animal, Africa’s true King of Beasts and weigh up to 6,000kg (male) and 3,500kg (female), with a
height of 3.3m (male) and 2.5m (female). The trunk is a muscular extension of the upper lip containing the nostrils, and the tip is equipped with two finger-like projections for handling small objects. Huge ears, up to 1.5m, flap on still, hot days to help cool blood flowing through the network of veins on their back surface. Tusks grow continuously, weighing up to 13kg each and can reach a length of 2.5m.
Nikon D5 with Nikkon 80-400mm f4.5-5.6G lens with Nikon 1.4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 220mm, 1/4000 sec @ f14, ISO 2800
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
98% Human
Late afternoon on the banks of the Chobe River, Botswana, this Savanna Baboon was sitting silently with its head on its hand in a typically human pose. Apparently a baboon has 98% of human DNA which is reflected in much of its behaviour.
Savanna Baboon - Papio cynocephalus
The Savanna Baboon is a big monkey with a dog-like head with powerful build and shoulders higher than its withers, and sturdy limbs. A typical male can weigh between 30 and 45kg. They have close-set eyes below a prominent brow ridge, sizeable nearly hairless ears, a long muzzle and powerful jaws. Baboons are the most widespread African primate, a tramp species found through savanna and arid zones wherever water and secure sleeping places i.e. trees or cliffs occur.
Nikon D5 with Nikon 80-400mm f4.5 – 5.6G lens with 1.4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 550mm, 1/1000 sec @ f8, ISO 9000
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
Squacco Heron
Late morning on the Chobe River, Botswana, this Squacco Heron was foraging among the water lilies when it suddenly took off, displaying the beautiful patterns of its white wings.
Squacco Heron - Ardeola ralloides
A small, buff and white heron, with a heavy, dark-tipped bill. At rest it appears mostly buff and brown with white underparts. In flight, white wings and tail are prominent. Common resident and local nomad along vegetated lakes, pans and slow moving rivers, skulks in long grass and sits motionless for long periods.
Nikon D5 with Nikkon 80-400mm f4.5 – 5.6G lens with 1.4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 550mm, 1/3200 sec @ f13, ISO 2000
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
This tiny frog was found quite comfortable inside a yellow flower smaller than the size of my hand in the hedge of the airport while I waited for a plane that never arrived. This was due to the Tsunami that hit Thailand and hence I had plenty of time on my hands to peer into countless flowers looking for insects. The frog was perfectly camouflaged to imitate the colour of the flower, no doubt waiting for some sort of insect to pollenate the flower and become a frog snack. One can get a sense of scale by the drop of water above the frog to the right.
Reed Frog - Heterixalus
A small Heterixalus back is whitish with small black spots. Colour at night yellowish-brown, during the day bright white.
A black streak runs from nostril to eye. Heterixalus is a species of frog in the Hyperoliidae family endemic to Madagascar. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, swamps, freshwater marshes, and intermittent freshwater marshes, arable land, urban areas, heavily degraded former forests, ponds, irrigated land, and seasonally flooded agricultural land which occurs in central eastern Madagascar. Snout vent length 23mm, head width 8mm; eye diameter 3.1mm.
Nikon D70 Nikkor 105mm F2.8 Macro, F20 @ 1/50th sec, ISO 200
Taken by hand in the hedge at Maroantsetra airport in Madagascar.
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
Turtle time
This turtle was found happily munching away on a sponge growing on an undersea ridge on Aliwal Shoal. The ridge creates strong water flow delivering food which the sponge uses to grow and the turtle seemed to have no problems holding his breath while tearing pieces off the sponge for a meal. One diver was even able to take a selfie next to the turtle whilst he continued his meal. After what seemed an age he lazily headed for the surface for his next breath only to descend and continue where he left off.
Green Turtle - Chelonia mydas
On the Green Turtle there are only four shell plates either side of the central row and these plates do not overlap – the loggerhead has five. Females are usually darker than males, the shell appearing almost tie-dyed in rich browns and ochres. The forelimbs have a single claw each and the bill is not hooked. Green Turtles are resident in southern Africa however, they do not nest on our shores. The nearest breeding grounds are on the islands of Europa and Tromelin in the Mozambique Channel. The females lay only 600 eggs each season in batches of 150 every 12 days. Adults feed almost exclusively on algae and marine plants often entering estuaries to do so. Green Turtles are under threat from hunting and egg collection.
Nikon D300 Nikkor 10.5mm F2.8 Fisheye, F10 @ 1/50th sec, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250
strobes on ¼ power. Taken on scuba at 10m at Aliwal Shoal, South Africa.
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
Working her way through the “blues”
Late afternoon in the Okavango Delta, this female cheetah and her two cubs were found moving through thick bush that was covered in beautiful small blue flowers.
Cheetah - Acinonyx jubatus
A cheetah is a cat with a greyhound chassis. It is built for speed, is light boned, swaybacked with long thin legs and a
short neck. Cheetah are tawny in colour with small, solid black spots; white underparts, outer tail ringed black and white, black ear backs, lips, nose and distinctive “tear stains”. Cheetahs are specialised predators on the fleetest of plains antelopes.
Nikon D5 with 80-400mm f4.5 – 5.6G lens with 1.4 x Teleconverter,
effective focal length 550mm, 1/1000 sec @ f11, ISO 720
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
“Beady Eye Bass”
This Bass was found maintaining station under a ledge out of the strong current on the north-east undersea ridge on Aliwal Shoal. This individual is territorial and although wild, has had exposure over time to divers and just eyed the photographer as he slowly approached the dome of the camera to the eye of the rock cod. The ledge provides protection and also a base for the Goldie’s and Cleaner Wrasse to approach the Bass and eat the parasites and algae that might be growing on its skin. Whilst it is very large it doesn’t have teeth like sharks do but rather a large mouth that it sucks food into and then crushes and swallows.
Potato Bass or Grouper – Epinephelus tukula
The Potato Grouper, also called the Potato Cod or Potato Bass, is a native fish to Australia, Indian Ocean and Asian countries. It can reach a length of 2.6m and can weigh as much as 110kg. Mainly found in deep reef channels and seamounts, in current prone areas. Juveniles may be found in tide pools. They feed on reef fish, skates, crabs, and spiny lobsters and are considered to be exceedingly territorial and very aggressive towards intruders. They can be vulnerable to spear fishermen, and although hand fed by divers in certain areas, they can be potentially dangerous to the inexperienced
Nikon D300 Nikkor 10.5mm f2.8 Fisheye lens, 1/80th sec @ f11, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250
strobes on ¼ power. Taken on scuba at 20m at Aliwal Shoal, South Africa
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
"Laughing Leopard"
Late afternoon in the Mashatu Game Reserve in Southern Botswana, this young leopard was savouring the late afternoon sun on the soft sand of a riverbed when it suddenly rolled over several times enjoying the process and appearing to be laughing hilariously at its own antics
Leopard - Panthera pardus
Leopards rest by day and part of the night in the trees or dense undergrowth and usually only become active at dusk.
Nikon D2x 12.4 megapixel resolution, AF VR Nikkor 80-400mm f4.5-5.6 D lens, focal length @ 400 mm - effective with high speed crop mode
800mm @ 6.8 megapixel resolution, 1/400th sec @ f5.6, ISO 400
Semi-finalist Image: Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
“Finding Nemo”
When diving, it’s quite easy to find Nemo, since as you pass over a coral reef they will find you if you come too close to their home. You will know it since the largest of the pair, the female may actually charge you and even take a small bite at you, quite a surprise if you aren’t ready for this diminutive ball of energy, far smaller than a human. These two share their anemone home and can be seen taking protection among the stinging tentacles and getting ready to charge the photographer’s camera dome port.
Two bar Anemonefish - Clownfish Amphiprioninae
Clownfish or Anemonefish in the wild, form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones and are unaffected by the stinging tentacles of the host Anemone. The Sea Anemone protects the Clownfish from predators, as well as providing food through the scraps left from the Anemone's meals and occasional dead Anemone tentacles. In return, the Clownfish defends the Anemone from its predators and parasites. Clownfish are small-sized, 10–18 cm, and depending on species, they are overall yellow, orange, or a reddish or blackish colour, and many show white bars or patches. Colour variations occur between species, most commonly according to distribution, but also based on sex, age, and host Anemone. Clownfish are found in warmer waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Red Sea in sheltered reefs or in shallow lagoons. In a group of Clownfish, a strict dominance hierarchy exists. The largest and most aggressive fish is female and is found at the top. Only two Clownfish, a male and a female, in a group reproduce through external fertilization. Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they develop into males first, and when they mature, become females.
Nikon D300 Nikkor 10.5mm f2.8 Fisheye lens, 1/30th sec @ f18, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250. Taken at 18m on scuba at Sodwana Bay, South Africa
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
“The Long and Short of it”
Early morning in the Phinda Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, this mother and juvenile Rhinoceros stopped briefly to show off their respective horns.
White Rhinoceros – Ceratotherium simum
A gentle giant, the biggest land mammal after Elephants (though outweighed by the Hippopotamus). Almost double the weight of a Black Rhinoceros, with pronounced shoulder hump. Males weigh in the region of 2 040 to 2 260 kg, females in the region of 1 600 kg. Newborns weigh only 65 kg, equal to 4% of mother’s weight. Mothers are equipped to protect them against all predators except Lions. Calves run in front of mother during flight. Head: massive with wide, square mouth, big ears.
Horns: The front horn averages 60 cm in males and is longer but thinner in females. The back horn is much shorter and more triangular.
Colour: slate grey to yellow-brown. Due to the increase in demand for Rhino horn, (for dagger handles, medicine, and aphrodisiacs) they are now more precious than gold.
Nikon D2xs, AF VR-Nikkor 80-400 mm, f4.5-5.6 D lens, focal length at 80 mm, equivalent to 120 mm, 1/125th sec @ f5, ISO 800
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
“Turtle time”
This turtle was found happily munching away on a sponge growing on an undersea ridge on Aliwal Shoal. The ridge creates strong water flow delivering food which the sponge uses to grow and the turtle seemed to have no problems holding his breath while tearing pieces off the sponge for a meal. One diver was even able to take a selfie next to the turtle whilst he continued his meal. After what seemed an age he lazily headed for the surface for his next breath only to descend and continue where he left off.
Green Turtle – Chelonia mydas
On the Green Turtle there are only four shell plates either side of the central row and plates do not overlap – the loggerhead has five. Females are usually darker than males, the shell appearing almost tie-dyed in rich browns and ochres. The forelimbs have a single claw each and the bill is not hooked. Green turtles are resident in southern Africa however, they do not nest on our shores. The nearest breeding grounds are on the islands of Europa and Tromelin in the Mozambique Channel. The females lay only 600 eggs each season in batches of 150 every 12 days. Adults feed almost exclusively on algae and marine plants often entering estuaries to do so. Green Turtles are under threat from hunting and egg collection.
Nikon D300 Nikkor 10.5mm F2.8 Fisheye, F10 @ 1/50th sec, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250 strobes on ¼ power. Taken on scuba at 10m at Aliwal Shoal, South Africa.
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
“Colourful Cuttlefish”
While diving deep on Giants Castle reef off Tofo, Mozambique, the photographer glided along a sponge-encrusted reef wall hoping for Manta Rays to swim overhead. This Cuttlefish was curiously investigating the photographer, while blending with the background of the reef. The Cuttlefish is able to flash different colours and designs and uses this, plus its well-known intelligence and good eyesight, to remain undetected or, if need be, using jet propulsion to make a rapid getaway.
Cuttlefish – Sepia latimanus
Cuttlefish are marine animals of the order Sepiida belonging to the class Cephalopoda (which also includes squid, octopuses and nautiluses). Despite their name, Cuttlefish are not fish but molluscs. Recent studies indicate that Cuttlefish are among the most intelligent invertebrates. Cuttlefish also have one of the largest brain-to-body size ratios of all invertebrates. The origin of the word Cuttlefish can be found in the old English term cudele, which derived in the 15th century from the Norwegian koddi (cushion, testicle) and the Middle German kudel (pouch), a good description of the cephalopod’s shape. Cuttlefish have an internal shell (the cuttlebone), large W-shaped pupils, and eight arms and two tentacles furnished with denticulated suckers with which they secure their prey.
Nikon D300, Nikkor 10.5 mm, f2.8G fisheye lens, 1/40th sec @ f11, ISO 200
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
Early morning in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, this mating Lion got a major surprise when the Lioness took exception, snarled and snapped at the Lion in disagreement. The Lion jumped and grimaced at the unexpected attack.
Lion - Panthera leo
Call of the African Wild, King of African Carnivores. Low, but large and powerful, weighing between 190 and 260 kg.
Coat: short except for tail tuft and male's mane, appearing during his third year, maximum development at five years.
While prey is plentiful, Lions spend 20 hours out of 24 conserving energy, becoming active in late afternoon, hunt most actively early and late at night and for a couple of hours after daybreak. Lions can become active at any time, day or night, hungry or gorged, so that when easy opportunities to catch prey present themselves, they react immediately and take advantage. Lions kill and often eat all the other carnivores, including Leopards and Cheetahs, but rarely Hyenas.
Nikon D3s, 12.1 megapixel resolution, FX format, AF VR-Nikkor 80-400 mm f4.5-5.6 D lens
focal length at 160 mm 1/2000th sec @ f8, ISO 1800
Semi-finalist Image: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011, Natural History Museum, London
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
“Bottlenose Dolphins and Bubbles”
Wild Bottlenose Dolphins have become habituated to humans in their environment.
Dolphins swim right up to snorkellers with intense interest and even looks of curiosity and a faint smile at how un-coordinated and helpless humans are in water. As they rise to the surface they blow bubbles as signatures or splash around on the surface as a form of communication.
Inshore Bottlenose Dolphin - Tursiops truncates
Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins are small cetaceans that have a long, beak-like snout, a falcate (sickle-shaped) dorsal fin, and sharp teeth. They are Odontoceti (toothed whales) and have one blowhole. They live in small groups called pods and grow to be at most 3.7 m long, sometimes weighing more than 635 kg. Dolphins can dive down to more than 300 m and can jump up to 6 m out of the water.
Nikon D70 10.5 megapixel resolution, AF Sigma 10-20mm D lens,
housed in Sea & SEA D70 housing, 1/160th sec @ f6.3, ISO 200, at 20mm, taken while breath-holding at a depth of 2m about 2km from shore in Southern Mozambique.
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
“Resting after the hunt”
Shortly after sunrise near Kirkman’s Camp in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, South Africa, these two Cheetah brothers were resting after their strenuous hunt for a young Impala.
Cheetah – Acinonyx jubatus
A cat with a greyhound chassis. Built for speed: light-boned, swaybacked, long, thin legs and short neck, weighs between 35 kg and 65 kg. Colour: tawny, with small solid black spots; white underparts; outer tail ringed black and white; black ear backs, lips, nose and distinctive “tear stains”. Hunting Cheetahs employ several strategies to approach Antelope, depending on terrain, species and behaviour of the animals. Although top speed is an incredible 112 km/h, a Cheetah can on ly sprint 300 m before rising temperature and oxygen debt force it to quit. Average speed during a chase is around 64 km/h
Nikon F5, AF Nikkor 80-200 mm f2.8 lens, Fujichrome Velvia 50.
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn
“Getting in a good look”
Big eyes move around underwater almost like a cloud of interested youngsters, swirling with little energy as can be seen in the background whilst those with more courage come up in a group to get a good look. They were quite accommodating, allowing the photographer to join the school provided no sudden moves were made, or vast amounts of noisy bubbles were exhaled. the photographer loves photographing these fish since when you see them first they look like a school of black and silver fish, but when the strobe lights them up, the black turns out to be vivid red, a perennial crowd pleaser contrasting with the cool blues of the water. When beginner divers see the photos they ask where the bright red fish were since they only saw black and silver ones.
Crescent-Tail Bigeye – Priacanthus hamrur
Priacanthus hamrur is a reef-associated species, living in tropical marine waters on outer reef slopes and rocky areas as well as in lagoons at depths of 8 to 250 meters. The body of the Crescent-Tail Bigeye is relatively deep, strongly compressed laterally. The eyes are very large and red (even in case of silver livery). The mouth is oblique with a protruding lower jaw and small conical teeth. The bodies of these fish go through various phases of colour, which may vary from orange to entirely red, entirely silver, or silver with six broad red bands.
Nikon D300 Nikkor 10.5mm f2.8 Fisheye lens, 1/400th sec @ f11, ISO 200, Sea & Sea Housing and Two Sea & Sea YS250 strobes on ¼ power.
Taken on scuba at 25m at Manta Reef, Tofo, Mozambique
Photograph by Andrew Woodburn
"Evening Stroll"
Early evening at the Pafuri bridge in the far northern region of the Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, this large Elephant strolled across the river as the golden rays of the setting sun bathed the river water in a golden glow.
Elephant - Loxodonta africana
The largest land animal, Africa's true King of the Beasts, weighs up to 6 000 kg (male) and 3 500 kg (female), and height up to 3.3m (male) and 2.5m (female). The trunk is a muscular extension of the upper lip containing the nostrils, and the tip is equipped with two fingerlike projections for handling small objects. The Elephant has huge ears, measuring up to 1.5m, and it flaps its ears on still, hot days which helps cool blood flowing through a network of veins on the back surface of the ears. Elephant's tusks grow continuously, can weigh up to 130 kg each and can reach a length of about 2.5m.
Nikon 2x, 12,3 megapixel resolution, DX format, AF-S VR-Nikkor 200-400 mm, f4G lens with Nikon AF-S Teleconverter TC-14E11 1,4x, focal length 550 mm, equivalent to 825 mm, 1/2000th sec @ f5.6, ISO 800
Semi-finalist Image: Wildlife Photographer of the year 2010, Natural History Museum, London
Photograph by Trevor Woodburn